Terms and Condition

Terms of Use

These Terms of Use(or ‘Agreement’) govern the use of landedu.kare.com.hk  (the ‘Site’) by all visitors to the Site.  As such, these Terms of Use constitute a binding agreement between you, as a user of the Site, landedu.kare.com.hk (the ‘Site’) and Land Education Foundation (collectively referred as ‘us’, ‘we’, or ‘our’).  By using the Site, you agree at all times during your use to bide by these Terms of Use and any additions our amendments.  Therefore, we ask that you please read these Terms of Use carefully prior to visiting the Site. 

Your use of the Site is also subject to our Privacy Policy.  Therefore, please also review the Privacy Policy carefully prior to using the Site.  If there is any conflict between the provision within these Terms of Use and the provisions within the Privacy Policy, the provisions of the Privacy Policy will apply.


Processing and Disclosure of Information

You may use this Site for legitimate shopping purposes only.  All the information collected via the Site is processed and disclosed in line with these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. The information that you provided to the Site will be added to our database.  In the course of processing your information, information may be shared with the third-party services providers in order to perform business activities on behalf of landedu.kare.com.hk e.g. customer support services, payment processing services, or database management services.

If information is shared as mentioned above, we will limit the scope of information that is furnished to the amount necessary for the performance of the specific function.


Availability of our Services

We try our best to ensure that our Site is always available, but we do not guarantee or offer any warranties that the operation of or access to our Site will be uninterrupted or continuous.  Our Site may be interrupted for maintenance, repairs, upgrades, network, or equipment failure.  We are not liable for any losses claimed due to interruption or disruption to the Site under any circumstances.

You are responsible for configuring your information technology to access our Site.   We do not guarantee that the Site will be free from buys and/or viruses and will not be responsible for any direct or indirect loss or damage that results from buys and/or viruses contacted via using our Site.


Acceptable Use

You may not harm the Site in any way or otherwise use the Site in any improper manner, including, not limited to hacking into the Site’s systems, spoofing or faking e-mail headers or slowing or stopping the functionality of the Site.

In the event you register and/or purchase product, you agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the registration form. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or we suspect, for any reason, that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we in our sole discretion, have the right not to fulfill your order or suspend or terminated your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Site.


Use of Comments

We welcome your comments and feedback regarding the Site, our products, and our services.  All comments, feedback, suggestions, ideas, and other submission disclosed or offered to us or by the Site (collectively, the Comments) shall be remained Land Education Foundation’s property.  Such disclosure, submission or offer of any Comments shall constitute an assignment to Land Education Foundation of all worldwide rights, titles and interests in all copyrights and other intellectual properties in the Comments without payment of any compensation.  Thus, we will own exclusively all such rights, titles and interests and shall not be limited in any way in its use, commercial or otherwise, of any Comments.  We are and shall be under no obligation: 1) to maintain any Comments in confidence; 2) to pay to user any compensation for any Comments; or 3) to respond to any user Comments.

You agree that no Comments submitted by you to the Site will violate any right of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy or other personal or proprietary rights.  You further agree that no Comments submitted by you to the Site will be or contain libelous or otherwise unlawful, abusive, or obscene material.  You are and shall remain solely responsible for the content of any Comments you make.

You hereby grant us an irrevocable and unrestricted license to use, modify, reproduce, transmit, display, and distribute such materials, information, suggestions, ideas or comments (other than your name) for any purpose whatsoever.


Shipping Policies

We in good faith will deliver your items in accordance with your order but we will not be responsible or liable for any delays or failure in such delivery. We reserve the right to effect delivery of any order in any number of separate shipments, and the mode of transport and carriers.  Your order will be delivered to the delivery address you specify when placing your order.   If your delivery address is geographically remote or otherwise difficult deliver to, it is possible that we may not be able to deliver there.  We will not be responsible or liable for any delay or failure to deliver due to any causes which is unavoidable or beyond our reasonable control. In such case, we have the right, at its option, without penalty or any liability for breach, to terminate all or any part of any order or to reschedule delivery within a reasonable time.

We reserve the right to approve which countries it will ship to and in the event a country is not approved, the buyer will receive a full refund.

Please note that international packages may be subject to duties and taxes.  You must pay all tariff, import, customs, taxes and other charges applicable in your jurisdiction.    All tariff and charges are not including in our shipping charges.  Customs policies may vary widely from country to country.

If duties are not paid upon entry to the destination country, or the merchandise is refused, the product will be abandoned in the destination country and the customer will be responsible for 100% of the product cost and shipping. The customer will not receive any type of refund for abandoned products.


Product Display

We have made every effort to display accurately the products featured on the Site.  However, the colors we use and the capabilities of your electronic devices will affect the colors you see on your screen.  We cannot guarantee that your electronic devices will accurately display color, texture, or any merchandise details.

We are not responsible for errors made in selecting a dress size and cannot guarantee a dress will fit.  It is the sole responsibility of the customer to use a tape measure to take their measurements properly and select the size that best fits them on the size chart.  For the customer who chooses the custom size, it is the sole responsibility of the customer to provide the accurate measurements.  Finally, we reserves the right to change sizes available and the size charts at any time.

The product that appears on the Site is for informational purposes only.  Despite our efforts to provide useful and accurate information, errors may appear from time to time.  Before you act on information you have found on the Site, you should confirm any facts that are important to your decision.  HKgrandeurboutique.com and its information providers make no warranty as to the reliability, accuracy, timeliness, usefulness, or completeness of the information on the Site.


Product Availability and Pricing

We are constantly changing and improving our Site and the products we provide.  We may from to time change or discontinue any of the products or add or remove functionalities or features.  We reserve the right to make the above changes at any time without any notice.  If you are unable to locate an item you saw on a previous visit, please contact us and will make every effort to meet your needs, as all our items are Order-to-Tailor.

We reserve the right to determine pricing for each product.  We will make reasonable efforts to keep pricing information published on the Site up to date.  We may change the fees for any product at any time at our sole discretion.  We may make promotional offers with different features and different pricing to any of our customers.  These promotional offers, unless made to you, will not apply to your offer or these terms.


Limitation of Liability

We do not warrant that:

  1. The contents of this Site will be accurate, complete or free of error;
  2. This Site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components; or
  3. Your use of this Site will be without interruption.

We nor our related entities or our vendors or content providers shall be liable to any person or entity for any direct or indirect loss, damage (whether actual, consequential, punitive, special, or otherwise) injury, claim or liability of any kind or character whatsoever based upon or resulting from your use or inability to use the Site or any information or materials provided on the Site.  We are not liable for any defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any user.  If you are dissatisfied with the Site or any materials on the Site, or any of our Terms and Conditions, your sole or exclusive remedy is to stop using this Site.

We shall not be liable for damages of any kind related to your use of or inability to use the Site, even if we knew, or should have known, of the potential for such damages.



We reserve the right, without notice, in our discretion, to terminate, revoke, suspend your right and ability to access our Site.  We may also modify, suspend, or discontinue the Site.  We are not responsible for any loss or harm related to our termination of your access or use of our Site.

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Site, if we reasonably believe:

  1. You are in serious or repeated breach of these Terms;
  2. You are suing the Site in a manner that would cause a real risk of harm loss to us;
  3. We are requested to do so by government or regulatory authorities or as required under applicable laws, regulations or legal processes.


Governing law and jurisdiction

These terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms.