11 週 weeks 夏季菜包 Summer Veggie Bag 2023

buy from local

HKD 1100.0

Looking for a perfect fit? For an additional HK$150, our tailor will use your measurements provided to create a made-to-order dress just for you.


(Please scroll down for English version.)

11 星期菜包,每星期2斤蔬菜。
只限大嶼山梅窩提取點自取,請剔選「 提取點自取」後,在地址填寫提取點:

1. 好老土  Good Old Soil(可選擇部分菜包菜款) 

2. 梅窩安富農莊(Fusion 對面) (不可選擇菜款)

3. 長洲安富農莊 (不可選擇菜款)
地點:長洲中興街35 號A 座新樓地鋪


1. 報名後,我們會稍後聯絡你有關計劃詳情
2. 日期:2023年6月16日至2023年8月25日(可隨時加入)
3. 逢星期五上午農夫會收菜,星期五中午4時後可到指定地點取菜包。為免菜蔬不新鮮,請盡快取菜,最遲要於星期六取菜
4. 我們每星期有固定菜款1斤和自選菜款1斤,自選菜款先到先得。7月固定菜款為冬瓜。其餘日子視乎當造菜情況。


11 weeks veggie bag, 2 catties of vegetables per week.
Only for self-pickup at Mui Wo. Please choose "Pick-up point" and fill in the following choice in the address:

1. Good Old Soil (Can choose part of the veggie)
Venue: G/F, 33 Rural Committee Road, Mui Wo
Time: Friday 14-18pm OR Saturday 11am-17pm

2. MuiWo On Full Store (Opposite to Fusion)
Venue: Shop J, G/F, 1 Ngan Wan Road, Mui Wo, Lantau Island
Time: Friday 16pm-20:30pm or Saturday 10am-17pm

3. Cheung Chau On Full Store 
Venue: No. 35, Blk A, New Building, Chung Hing Street, Cheung Chau
Time: Friday 16pm-20:30pm or Saturday 10am-17pm

Rundown for the Joint Purchase Scheme
1. Our member will contact you for the details after finish the order.
2. Period: 16 June2023 -25 August 2023
3. *Every Friday morning: Farmers will reap the veggies, you may pick up your order at pick up point. The pick-up time starts from 16pm Friday to Saturday during the pick up point opening hours.
4. We have a fixed veggie type of 1 catty and a self-selected veggie type of 1 catty per week. Selections for the self-selected are first come, first served. The fixed menu for July is winter melon.  The rest dependson the harvest. 

No joint purchase point for ping chau this time~

Whatsapp: 90496108(Miffy NG)
電郵:[email protected] 

提取點自取 Pick up point

順豐到付(請於訂單寄送地址填寫順豐站或智能櫃資料,只限  乾貨)SF express (Please write down SF Pick up point at    your address. Dry product only)

速遞到付(鮮貨) Expedited Shipping (Fresh Product)

